Tuesday 15 February 2011

Multiple Artboards


So the new version of Illustrator, CS5, allows for multipul artboards, and we can take full advantage of this with the lasercutter!

The below image shows the setup of the file, simply copy the original artboard within Document Setup as many times as you need, and layout the work for each image.

The completed Illustrator File. Make sure all the fiels are corectly setup using the File Setup PDF.

Print the document as normal, if nessesary use the Printing and Trotec PDF.

The first job will appear in the Job Control printing cueue.

You can begin printing whilst the remaining jobs are sent to the cueue.

So there you have it, a very quick and efficient way of sending multipul jobs to the laser! Happy Printing!

Note: This process will only be of use if you are using the same size stock on all your jobs!

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